According to the Bankruptcy records, Kelly G Rogers listed Carrie S. Rogers as the owner of Land and Minerals Corporation and himself as the President. However, actual ownership has become unclear as Kelly G Rogers has contradicted himself in statements provided to the court.
But on Thursday, October 11th, the Honorable Judge Ray Wheless granted Plaintiff Brad Dean's Motion to Compel Records from BOKF, N.A. d/b/a Bank of Texas (According to the Collin County Website).
Apparently, these are the financial records Kelly G Rogers has been hesitant to turn over for one reason or another. Hmmm...that sounds fishy in itself.
So what does it mean now that he's been ordered by Judge Wheless to turn over the books? (You can read motion by clicking to the Collin County link and looking up Rogers, Kelly).
Is the jig is now up? Maybe now Team Dean will get the truthful answers to;
- Who really owns Land and Minerals Corporation?
- Where did Bradley Dean's money go?
- Did Rogers use Dean's funds to pay off other investors or personal bills?
- Would that make Land and Minerals Corporation another Ponzi Scheme similar to level par?
- Since Rogers has already been busted by the SEC, would this further incriminate him as a primary Ponzi facilitator?
- Has Rogers co-mingling corporate funds?
- Is Kelly G Rogers running a "Control Group" of corporations to avoid paying taxes?
- Will the Dean team succeed in pierce the corporate veil?
- Is Rogers paying his rent to George Shipp directly from Land and Minerals Corporation?
Anyone see other answers coming out of the Bank of Texas records?
Rumor has it that Kelly Rogers was of the opinion that Big Tex was going to be a material witness in the State case against him. Is it possible that Rogers was seen at The State Fair of Texas on the day Big Tex burned? Another possibility is the rumor that Rogers was of the opinion that Bags of money were hidden in Big Tex. Unconfirmed sources have indicated Rogers was fleeing the seen shortly after Big Tex was set ablaze. I hope authorities have not ruled out Kelly Rogers as a possible suspect in the torching of Big Tex. Hopefully, Collin County residents will be on high alert for possible damage to pumpkins and Halloween decorations as The Rogers' feel that Halloween is a product of Satanic Worship. If I recall the Rogers' sat on a Board of Regents at a local private school who built a million dollar football stadium, Very Interesting??????? Who are you really Kelly Rogers??
Kelly and Carrie Rogers are a product of Satanic Worship. Plain and simple.
It is our sincere hope that these two rot in hell for what they have done to so many families.
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