Wednesday, February 20, 2013
"Felony Unassigned" in STATE of TEXAS Vs. Kelly Gordon Rogers: case 380-81034-2012
Why is the Felony listed as "UNASSIGNED"? Can anyone provide an explanation of what this means and a degree 4092 means?
Anonymous said...February 20th, 2013
"The case appears to be linked with the other indictments in the 380th. Rogers' has so many indictments and the cases have languished so long the Clerk probably hasn't updated it.
They did update Mitchell Nolte as his lawyer on that case as well. I think that they are putting all of the information on the initial '09 indictment, almost 4 years this has gone on.
Unbelievable, if they set it for trial it will be another 6 months to a year if it gets reached.
There is another crook doing the same thing, PAUL LESLIE DEPEW, he has been arrested about 27 times, was found guilty on a probation revocation, given a State Jail sentence, then filed appeal bonds, got indicted on another case and has stretched that out for almost three years.
I am surprised the DA's Office never moved to hold Rogers' Bond's Insufficient, there is no way he can prove what he has alleged.
Anyways, I hope that clears it up!"
Anonymous said...February 22, 2013 at 2:41 PM
"I do have one observation....the mugshots of our favorite criminals, (Rogers, Depew, Bowie, Lester, etc) give us a "picture" of con-people.
However, I have to say that these are some of the most unattractive people I have ever seen! Depew looks like he has been water boarded tortured for years, Bowie looks she has lived her life outside on a ship for a century, Rogers looks like my favorite homeless guy with the "disabled vet" sign.
Are these the faces of white collar crime?
Finally, I would love to know the identity of the person who Rogers' is "working on deals with"? Is this man or person from Earth???
I do give credit to the authorities in Collin County. It was their hard work and dedication that took a horrible and disgusting person out of our community. KIM PEREIRA is currently in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections awaiting to serve his Federal Sentence. It was Collin County who gave him 20 years as well.
It is nice to see these types of disgusting people are being weeded out of our community and society.
Just my thoughts."
The case appears to be linked with the other indictments in the 380th. Roger's has so many indictments and the cases have languished so long the Clerk probably hasn't updated it. They did update Mitchell Nolte as his lawyer on that case as well. I think that they are putting all of the information on the initial '09 indictment, almost 4 years this has gone on. Unbelievable, if they set it for trial it will be another 6 months to a year if it gets reached. There is another crook doing the same thing, PAUL LESLIE DEPEW, he has been arrested about 27 times, was found guilty on a probation revocation, given a State Jail sentence, then filed appeal bonds, got indicted on another case and has stretched that out for almost three years. I am surprised the DA's Office never moved to hold Roger's Bond's Insufficient, there is no way he can prove what he has alleged. Anyways, I hope that clears it up!
- February 20, 2013 at 1:17 PM
I do have one observation.... The mugshots of our favorite criminals, (Rogers, Depew, Bowie, Lester, etc) give us a "picture" of conpeople..However, I have to say that these are some of the most unattractive people I have ever seen! Depew looks like he has been water boarded tortured for years, Bowie looks she has lived her life outside on a ship for a century, Rogers looks like my favorite homeless guy with the "disabled vet" sign.. Are these the faces of white collar crime? Finally, I would love to know the identity of the person who Roger's is "working on deals with"? Is this man or person from Earth??? I do give credit to the authorities in Collin County, it was their hard work and dedication that took a horrible disgusting person out of our community, KIM PEREIRA, who is currently in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections awaiting to serve his Federal Sentence; Collin County gave him 20 years as well. It is nice to see these types of disgusting people are being weeded out of our community and society.. Just my thoughts..
- February 22, 2013 at 2:41 PM
I would like to point out to all Parties that have been or potnetially may be "victims" of Kelly Rogers. The State Bar of Texas implemented new rules of Professional Conduct in 2011. I would like to bring to the attention of the readers, PART XIV INTERIM SUSPENSION, 14.01 IRREPERABLE HARM TO CLIENTS: which states in pertinent part "should the Chief Disciplinary Counsel reasonably believe based upon investigation of a Complaint that an attorney poses a substantial threat of irreparable harm to clients or prospective clients and be authorized to do so by the Commission, the Chief Disciplinary Counsel shall seek the IMMEDIATE interim suspension of the attorney. If complaints have been made to the State Bar of Texas by reader's of this blog, it seems that 7 1st Degree Felony Indictments would more than qualify for this action, since it would be reasonable to assume that any funds Roger's raises or may steal would be in connection with his status of good standing with The State Bar of Texas. I don't know if the complainants were aware of this, but it seems to me a good vehicle to prevent further fraud by Roger's.
- March 3, 2013 at 10:21 AM
- Unknown said...
hi I'm 17 and I'm Kim Pereiras daughter and I just want to let you know that it really hurts to see you talk about my dad that way. calling him horrible and disgusting. he committed this crime when he was super young and stupid. he then grew up and joined the Air Force where he was wounded overseas and awarded the Purple Heart for saving many lives for his heroic act. then he went on to marry my mom and have me. he was a very good guy who just made one mistake when he was younger. I think you should get to know a person before you start calling them names. He has a very reduced sentence because he is one of the Church Leaders at his prison and he is one of the best guys I know and is still my role model and I love him very much. so please think before you start throwing words around.
- January 18, 2016 at 3:20 PM
- Shining the light of truth said...
Kaitlyn--I found this appeal from 2014. So it would indicate your dad is still serving time. You can learn from his mistakes by steering clear of this kind of criminal behavior.
- January 26, 2016 at 4:15 PM