Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Email Notification Service

Now that Rogers has gotten what he deserves, we're all trying to return to a somewhat "normal" life. Obviously, we won't be posting as much content as in the past.
You could say I'm moving into "Semi-Retirement". 
As a debt of gratitude, I want to thank Dale Barron for the wonderful job he did in prosecuting our favorite scoundrel. There's so much we didn't know, private information we simply didn't have the access to review.
We tried to do our best over these many years. Yea, we got some of it wrong but we got a lot of it right. And at the end of the day, we knew as long as Mr. Barron had the facts, Rogers wasn't going to sleaze his way out of this predicament. (BTW: Rogers moved to a new cell).
And to all the readers who posted tons of comments, sent insightful information (anonymously) to our confidential and private email, thank you. You can't imagine the impact we've had collectively in exposing this guy and his money grubbing wife. 
Of the 78,508 page-views since 2009, May 2014 had 16,522 page-views alone. Wow, that's 21% of total views in one month. Just goes to show, everyone was hungry for justice to be served by a jury and prove this couple was no-good.

And the day-to-day account of the trial received 3,194 views alone. The previous best-in-class story was "Rogers Files Bankruptcy" with 533 views.
So today we celebrate "Day 18" of Kelly G Rogers 20 year sentence by introducing a new feature on the blog. It's a email notification. This way, you can keep up with the week-to-week activities of Mr. Scam-o-Rama without needing to check the website each day.
You absolutely know many new and exciting stories will develop as time passes.

For example, will Carrie divorce Kelly in search of a fresh source of money? Will Rogers plea bargain the remainder of his charges or will Carrie be indicted? When Rogers finally gets transferred to a State facility, will he finally room with his new best friend "Bubba"?
All these issues are important. Each time we discover a fresh stories, you'll receive an email notification that a new story has posted.
In the meantime, you can still email your confidential stories to burnedbyrogers@gmail.com.


Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate we're stopping with Rogers, it appears he had plenty of others actively participating in the various scams with him.

Anonymous said...

Judgment day will be coming for a few others. Possibly Carrie if Rogers chooses not to plea bargain. Also, the rumor mill has identified a few others who'll be getting the hammer dropped on them too. So this is not over.

Anonymous said...

Who are these "others"? Can you name them here? Why do you say this? Is there evidence? Why were they not pursued with Rogers if this is true? Why would it be a separate case? And why wouldn't Rogers have implicated them already to help his own fate? Do enlighten all of us if there is any substance here.

Anonymous said...

That is good to hear. Any estimate on when another shoe may drop?

I wonder if Rogers sings one "bottle of beer on the wall" verse every day. Today's verse is, "Seven thousand, two hundred and eighty eight bottles of beer on the wall, seven thousand, two hundred and eighty eight bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around...." Oops I forgot, there's no beer allowed in prison! LOL

Anonymous said...

Will Carrie divorce, etc.,...sounds like a soap opera, except this one isn't pretend.

Anonymous said...

The "Rumor Mill" is talking about Weyand being part of an IRS criminal investigation concerning tax returns on DRD oil and gas. Should have sent out those K-1's. Timing is in the next 6 months.

Carrie should be indicted for lying about who owns Land & Minerals Corporation. All under oath. Again, rumor mill. I guess Rogers put her in a position to lie and she picked up the mantle and ran with it three different times. And wouldn't accepting $30,000 of dirty Land & Minerals Corporation funds make her an assessor to a felony? Her action could depend on whether Rogers' plea bargains.

Rogers should be disbarred as part of the standard operating procedure in Texas. Also, they will be discontinuing his "good standing" RATING at Avvo, the online lawyer rating service. Rogers has a better rating @ 6.7 than prosecutor Dale Barron @ 6.5 and that just isn't right.

Both have been terminated from the Amway company. They also tried to get Kelly's name off the distributorship back in 2009 prior to filing bankruptcy and they got caught red handed. After that, a special banner would appear anytime they called in to "Route All Calls to the Rules Department".

Goes to show, these two try to "Game" everything, whether its Amway or a nice dinner out with friends, they always had an angle to get something for nothing.

Anonymous said...

So what does this "IRS criminal investigation concerning tax returns on DRD oil and gas."
have to do with the Rogers case?

Anonymous said...

Also, anonymous said
"Rogers should be disbarred as part of the standard operating procedure in Texas"
if he isn't disbarred, would he be permitted to practice from inside the penn, online perhaps?

Anonymous said...

And regarding "Amway", could he reapply and potentially sign up and distribute soap and their other products within the prison system? This could be a good cottage industry for him to provide for his kids for many years.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a plea deal is in the works for the remainder of Kelly Rogers cases. A waiver of appeal was filed on June 20, 2014. There will be a hearing on June 26, 2014 which should require Rogers personal attendance and a chance to see our favorite felon, post conviction. By waiving his appeal he is negotiating or is agreeing to negotiate a deal on the other cases. Looks like Dale Barron has broken Rogers down. Might be worth a trip to the Courthouse to possibly see Rogers final court appearance for long time unless or until he pleas the remainder of the cases, which he will be required to be present for.