Anonymous said...
Just to add some additional information to the report and "shed additional light". Rogers will be transported to TDCJ on a Thursday Morning in the not so distant future. He will be awakened at roughly 2:00 a.m., told to get his belongings, place them in rather chic non description plastic see through garbage liner. He will sit in a holding cell for about 6 hours awaiting the "jail chain" bus. It's actually not black, it is a bluebird special without AC and like an armored bus from "Mad Max beyond Thunderdome".
I think it will be at least thirty days from the conviction date, as his TDC Packet has been sent to the jail. I would request that a separate clock be installed to monitor his parole consideration date, which by my calculations, is 2 years, 4 months and 12 days from the date of sentencing. THOSE WRONGED BY ROGERS WILL HAVE ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THEIR CONCERNS AND REQUEST IN OPPOSITION TO HIS PAROLE. That can be done by writing PROTEST letters to the Texas Board of Pardons Paroles, in Austin and state your opposition to Rogers being Paroled and why. The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles 8610 Shoal Creek Blvd Austin, TX 78757(512) 406-5452 YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING YOU LIKE, IT IS ANONYMOUS, ROGERS WILL NEVER KNOW. YOU CAN'T BE SUED OR RETALIATED AGAINST FOR WHAT YOU SUBMIT. Parole in Texas is not easy, it is not guaranteed and there is no due process. The more letters that are written in protest will have a significant impact on the release or the non release of an offender. So, while we focus on Carrie, let's not forget that for once in this very disturbing, financially and emotionally devastating saga, we have more control than Rogers does of his next step, which is to generate, starting even now and up to the first consideration for Rogers parole, as many opposition letters describing in as much detail, the acts committed by this miscreant upon all of us. Rogers will be transferred to Joe F. Gurney, in Palestine, upon arrival, Rogers fat head will be totally shaved, stripped naked, searched in his body cavities, verbally humiliated, and then spend his next weeks sitting in cages being tested, poked and diagnosed. His accommodations will not be to his liking, right now he is in a very safe, air conditioned environment, upon his arrival in TDCJ, he will be in a non air conditioned, confined environment during the hottest times of the summer. The temperature inside the dorms at Joe F. Gurney reaches in the 120's, showers are wide open, conveniently placed in front of a caged television, with the toilets lined up in a row. While I admit, I AM DISAPPOINTED WITH THE LENTH OF THE SENTENCE TOO, as well as the dismissal of the remaining charges, we collectively now have THE MOST POWER AND INFLUENCE TO KEEP ROGERS IN PRISON FOR A LOT LONGER THAN HE THINKS HE WILL BE IN. The protest letters are taken SERIOUSLY by the Board and since TDCJ Offenders are not paid, TDCJ has no real incentive to parole offenders. The parole rate is usually only 33 percent and far much lower for first time consideration. The Board can also give a lengthy set off as well, meaning that based upon numerous opposition letters to Rogers parole, the Board can set off his next review or consideration for three to five years if they elect to. So let's combine efforts, use this blog to reach out to those wronged by this dirtbag and administer our justice and vigorously protest his release. I will post the various addresses to write the protest letters to, one to the Institutional Parole Office in Palestine and to The Board of Pardons and Paroles in Austin. This isn't over by a long shot and now the next part is in our capable hands, to personally see to it that Rogers stays in TDCJ a very long time.